I am constantly amazed at how naïve we were when we decided to buy a pug.  I blame the media.  ProPUGanda, I like to call it.  The book we bought before we made this life-altering decision was the ASPCA Complete Guide to Dogs.  It had a complete list of dog breeds and how to choose the right one.  Already in love with the one we had seen in the pet store, our decision to get one was reinforced by this book's description of pugs in such terms as "learn quickly and do well in obedience classes... need only a quick brushing once a week", needing only "a leisurely walk around the block" etc.  Their full grown weight should be 14-18 lbs.  Ha!

   Shortly after we brought Elvis home, we realized we were in way over our heads.  That's when we bought The Pug and got the real scoop.  It confirmed what we were already starting to suspect.  You do not own a pug- the pug owns you. 
   While quick to learn, Elvis scoffs at the very thought of obedience.  Far from needing only a quick brush a week, Elvis requires weekly bathing in medicated shampoo for his sensitive skin.  (Fortunately, he loves baths.)  His nails also have to be trimmed weekly.  Unfortunately, he thinks the clippers are instruments of torture and these sessions usually end up resembling a WWF match.  I'm never sure who wins.
   Probably the most important fact this book related was that pugs
should be 14-18 lbs. but have a tendency to overeat.  We watched in fear as our pug's weight doubled in between each visit to the vet.  He is only 5 1/2 months old now and holding fast at 13 lbs.  Hopefully, his growth spurt is over.

     The first email Elvis ever got was from someone wanting to know how to housebreak her pug.  She was at the end of her rope.  Did you know that
housebreaking issues are the number one reason that pugs are abandoned?  We were fortunate that Elvis took to housebreaking pads right away.  We didn't even try to break him to going outside at first because they do not develop the muscles to control their bladders until they are about 3 months old.  We've also been fortunate that since we have started taking him outside, Elvis loves to hold it so he can pee outside where the other dogs pee.  We have noticed that Elvis does not bark to go outside.  He will walk to his pad, then the door.  If we don't see him he just goes on the pad.  So, it's up to us to make sure he has the opportunity to go outside.  We take him first thing in the morning, before we leave, as soon as we get back, and every couple of hours while we are home.  Especially after he eats or plays rough.  If you have a pug you may have also noticed how much water they drink.  Because of their squished up little faces, panting does not cool them as effectively as it does other dogsSo they drink a lot of water.  Unfortunately, small dogs have small bladders so they also have to go pee more often. 

     Elvis regards everything in the house as edible and his.  He even likes to chew on the floor!  Our furniture, walls, floors and several other belongings have been saved by
Bitter Apple spray.  It's very, very cheap and effective.  We also give Elvis lots of chew toys.  His new favorites are the flavored edible nylabones.  So far he has tried banana, spearmint and watermelon and loves all three.  He is also a big fan of mint rawhides and the giggly wiggly bone.  He will play fetch with that thing until your arm feels numb.  He loves that crazy noise.  We rotate out his toys so he won't get bored with them.

(work in progress)

1.  Harness- He loves his new harness.  Elvis tugs and pulls like the little engine that could.  Now he doesn't cough and hock up loogies all the way.

2.  Blanket- His favorite blanket is a mink (not really) blanket we got downtown.  He loves it.  Unfortunately, he seems to have hit puberty because now he "loves" it.

3.   Pawformance Oily Coat Shampoo- This stuff is fantastic.  Elvis had a wacky skin infection that made him itch like crazy.  He tested negative for mites and ringworms, but got weekly sulphur dippings at the vet to no avail.  We finally found this shampoo.  It's antibacterial and antifungal, but very gentle.  He never scratches anymore.  It smells good, too.

4.  Mint Cuisine Rawhides- We have to be very careful when we give Elvis these.  He chews until the ends are soft and then tries to swallow the whole thing.  But he loves the mint.  They don't get smelly like the regular ones and they help his breath a lot.  He can use all the help he can get.

5.  Giggly Wiggly Bone- This goofy toy with its silly noise drives Elvis bonkers.  We think that means he likes it.

This page is a product of SusieHasNoLife Productions.  I'm not just a customer; I'm the favorite pug of the president.